MCC Corporate College Fall 2018 Brochure
R ochester, NY
Permit No. 92
Non-Profit Org.
We specialize in training and development in these areas: Communication In Business | Computer Skills | Customer Service Digital Technology | Health Care | Human Recourses | IT Certifications Leadership | Lean Six Sigma | Personal Development | Project Management Skilled Trades | Small Business Skills | Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Supervisor/Management Development | Welding “In partnership with MCC Corporate College, we have trained 150 of our employees in the Conscious Leader- Conscious Culture Certificate Program. The certificate series has transformed those in attendance to successfully motivate others in a diverse workforce.”
Go in a new direction: UP. LadderzUp is a new partnership between Monroe County and Monroe Community College’s Economic and Workforce Development Center. This collaborative workforce development effort is designed to serve Monroe County residents by providing educational and training opportunities aligned with current and future job openings in high-demand industries, and provide County employers access to employee training and a pool of newly skilled workers seeking a career. Contact us at to request more information.
1000 East Henrietta Rd. Rochester, NY 14623
Advancing Finger Lakes Forward through manufacturing, health care, and IT career pathways. New York Inspire is a 4-year project focused on advanced manufacturing, health care, and IT career pathways, that will award a limited number of tuition-based scholarships. Basic scholarship qualifications include: minimum 17 years of age; underemployed; unemployed; under skilled. For a complete list of eligible programs visit or contact Customized training opportunites Contact Kelly Brown Lonis, Corporate Relations Manager, to discuss customized training opportunities at your place of business. 585.685.6182.
Rebecca Tompkins, Lifetime Assistance Inc.
LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS | FALL 2018 MCC Corporate College A new work force in professional development and training. Register today at: Economic & Workforce Development Center 321 State Street, 7th Floor • Rochester, NY 14608
Registration available online at
“I was truly engaged throughout the entire class, learning every step of the way. I now have new confidence to present better at work.”
Lauryn Recchia, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics
LOCATION & PARKING MCC Corporate College and The Economic & Workforce Development Center is located at MCC’s Downtown Campus.
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Lean Six Sigma / 14 sessions / $3500 > 31091 TTh 5:30pm-9:30pm Sep 27-Nov 27
Computer Skills are extremely important in today’s workplace. As a job applicant, computer knowledge will make you more desirable to potential employers. As an employer, computer skills training ought to be part of your new-hire training program as well as ongoing employee development. Advance your skills in some of the most popular computer tools used in business today. MS Excel Basics Computer Skills / 2 sessions / $159 > 31045 WF 8:30am-12:00pm Sep 19-Sep 21 > 31046 MW 8:30am-12:00pm Nov 5-Nov 7
When you own or work for a small business, it’s important to get the most from every dollar spent. This entrepreneurship training series provides learners with 12 hours of instruction, taught over the course of three different mod- ules. Understand the basics of starting one’s own business by, developing a business plan, understanding small business finance, and creating a marketing plan. Launch Your Business! Certificate Series Small Business Skills / 3 sessions / $595 > 31116 W 8:30am-12:30pm Nov 14-Dec 12 For a complete list of category offerings visit:
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Lean Six Sigma / 27 sessions / $5500
NEW! SHRM HR Essentials Human Resources / 2 sessions / $795 > 31056 ThF 8:30am-4:30pm Oct 18-Oct 19 SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP Certification Preparation Workshop Human Resources / 13 sessions / $1495 >31010 M 6:00pm-9:00pm Sept 17-Dec 10 For a complete list of category offerings visit: CISCO Certified Network Associate (CCNA) IT Certifications / 57 sessions / $4500 > 31021 MW 6:00am-9:30pm Sep 12-Mar 27, 2019 *Location: 1000 East Henrietta Road, Bldg 9 - Room 261 NEW! IT Support Professional IT Certifications / 38 sessions/ $4500 >31158 MW 5:30pm-9:30pm Sept 12-Feb 6, 2019 IT CERTIFICATIONS
> 31092 TTh 5:30pm-9:30pm Sep 27-Jan 24, 2019 For a complete list of category offerings visit:
COMMUNICATION IN BUSINESS Conflict Management Learn how productive, diplomatic and negotiated agreements allow a relationship to succeed. Communication in Business / 1 session / $149 > 31076 T 8:30am-12:00 pm Oct 16 > 31075 T 8:30am-12:00pm Dec 11 Leading Successfully Through Generational Differences We now work with up to five generations in the workplace; learn how to motivate and engage all generations by building a framework of understanding and learning the basis of the differences. Communication in Business / 1 session / $175 >31062 W 8:30am-12:30pm Oct 24 Become a Rock Star Presenter Develop yourself and elevate your presentation skills to compete in the business world, every day. Communication in Business / 1 session / $175 >31107 F 8:30am-4:30pm Sep 14 >31107 F 8:30am-4:30pm Nov 16 NEW! Survival Skills for Business Communication in Business / 4 sessions / $325 >31147 M 9:00am-11:00am
SUPERVISOR/MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT Lead to Succeed Upon completion of this training series, leaders will feel confident in performance manage- ment, goal setting, delegation, offering con- structive feedback and motivating others. Supervisor/Management Dev. / 2 sessions / $365 > 31093 TTh 8:30am-4:30pm Oct 30-Nov 1 > 31094 TTh 8:30am-4:30pm Dec 4-6 The Peer to Boss Transition Quite often leaders are promoted through the ranks and find themselves managing their former co-workers. Attend this workshop to learn how to effectively bridge the gap between peer and manager. Supervisor/Management Dev. / 1 session / $149 > 31108 M 8:30am-11:30am Oct 22 > 31109 F 8:30am-11:30am Dec 14 Effective Communication, Working With Others Supervisor/Management Dev. / 1 session / $159 > 31083 T 8:00am-12:00pm Sep 25 Organizational Change Management Supervisor/Management Dev. / 1 session / $175 >31064 M 1:00pm-5:00pm Dec 3 New! The Four Components of Trust Supervisor/Management Dev. / 1 session / $129 >31117 W 8:00am-12:00pm Dec 5 New! Practical Delegation for Results Supervisor/Management Dev. / 2 sessions / $249 >31067 W 8:00am-12:00pm Sept 19-26 For a complete list of category offerings visit:
Developing your project management skills will help you to run projects more efficiently and effectively. Project management methodologies are applicable to almost any profession and highly desirable to employers. NEW! Project Management Body Knowledge Best Practices Project Management / 5 sessions / $1179 >31132 MTThF 8:30am-4:30pm Sep 24-Dec 6 * Class meets 9/24, 9/25, 9/28, 12/4, 12/6 >31133 MTThF 8:30am-4:30pm Nov 5-Dec 6 *Class meets 11/5, 11/6, 11/9, 12/4, 12/6 NEW! Project Management Primer Project Management / 4 sessions / $945 >31134 MTF 8:30am-4:30pm Sep 24-Dec 4 * Class meets 9/24, 9/25, 9/28, 12/4 >31135 MTF 8:30am-4:30pm Sep 24-Dec 4 * Class meets 9/24, 9/25, 9/28, 12/4 NEW! Project Management Basics Project Management / 2 sessions / $365 >31138 MT 8:30am-4:30pm Sep 24-Sep 25 >31139 MT 8:30am-4:30pm Nov 5-Nov 6 NEW! Project Management Concepts Project Management / 1 session / $175 >31140 M 8:30am-4:30pm Sep 24 >31141 M 8:30am-4:30pm Nov 5 PMP and CAPM Exam Preparation Workshop Project Management / 3 sessions / $769 >31115 MTW 8:30am-4:30pm Dec 17-Dec 19 For a complete list of category offerings visit: New! Fundamentals of Project Management Project Management / 3 sessions / $769 >31136 MTF 8:30am-4:30pm Sep 24-Sep 28 >31137 MTF 8:30am-4:30pm Nov 5-Nov 9
Intermediate MS Excel Computer Skills / 2 sessions / $159 > 31047 Advanced MS Excel Computer Skills / 2 sessions / $159 > 31049 > 31048
WF 8:30am-12:00pm Oct 3-Oct 5 WF 8:30am-12:00pm Dec 3-Dec 5
WF 8:30am-12:00pm Oct 17-Oct 19
> 31051 TTh 8:30am-12:00pm Dec 18-Dec 20 For a complete list of category offerings visit: CUSTOMER SERVICE Knock Your Socks Off Service Customer Service / 1 session / $159 For a complete list of category offerings visit: DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY Digital Marketing Professional Digital Technology / 40 sessions / $4900 > 31026 TTh 5:30pm-9:30pm Sep 18-Feb 14, 2019 Front-End Developer Professional Digital Technology / 45 sessions / $5500 > 31159 TTh 5:30pm-9:30pm Sep 25-Mar 12 For a complete list of category offerings visit: HEALTH CARE > 31095 Th 8:30am-11:30am Oct 25 > 31096 Th 8:30am-11:30am Dec 13
321 STATE STREET, ROCHESTER, NY 14608 585.685.6004
Registration Options: • Online at • By phone: 585.685.6004 Parking:
For a complete list of category offerings visit:
Explore drone-enabled possibilities with this transformative technology. Introduction to Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Small Unmanned Aerial Systems / 4 sessions / $995 > 31088 MW 6:00pm-9:00pm Sep 24-Oct 3 Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Test Preparation Class Small Unmanned Aerial Systems / 2 sessions / $495 > 31089 MW 6:00pm-9:00pm Oct 8-Oct 10 Introduction to Small Unmanned Aerial Systems - Public Safety Small Unmanned Aerial Systems / 4 sessions / $1980 >31090 SA 9:00am-3:30pm Oct 13-Nov 3 For a complete list of category offerings visit:
For courses conducted at the Economic & Workforce Development Center, a shared parking lot on the corner of Plymouth Avenue and Morrie Silver Way (MCC Lot AA) is available. The main entrance to the lot is located off Morrie Silver Way. Take care when using the crosswalk at the north end of the lot to enter the building, or cross at the signals either at Plymouth Ave. or State St.
Developing the Conscious Leader and Conscious Culture Certificate Leadership / 8 sessions / $1375 > 31059 Th 1:00pm-4:30pm Oct 25-Dec 20 Concepts of a Conscious Business Leadership / 1 session / $175 > 31061 M 8:30am-12:30pm Nov 5
Oct 1-Oct 22 Dec 3-Dec 6
>31148 M-F 9:00am-11:00am
For a complete list of category offerings visit:
• If you are a MCC Corporate College course participant, a parking pass will be sent to you electronically prior to your course start date. This pass needs to be displayed on your dashboard at all times when your car is in the MCC AA parking lot.
Advanced Body Language: Planting Seeds of Trust Leadership / 1 session / $159 > 31073
The Medical Interpreter Health Care / 12 sessions / $895
> 31160 M-Sa 8:30am-5:30pm Oct 8-Oct 15 > 31161 M-Th 5:30pm-9:30pm Oct 22-Nov 8 > 31162 M-Sa 8:30am-5:30pm Dec 17-Dec 22 For a complete list of cateogry offerings visit:
W 8:00am-12:00pm Oct 3
> 31074 W 8:00am-12:00pm Dec 5 For a complete list of category offerings visit: Unless otherwise denoted, all courses will be held at MCC Corporate College, 321 State Street, 7th Floor, Rochester, NY 14608
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