MCC's Economic and Workforce Development: Annual Impact Report, September 2013 - January 2015
How do we know careers in technology are once again in high demand? We ask. Survey after survey tells us we need workers trained in science, math and technology. CTE graduates are those workers.
CTE in concert with our Learning First Program and the MCC Corporate College offer a defined bachelor’s degree pathway opportunity. After successfully completing an Associate in Applied Science degree, continuing education awaits. Details established in a recent articulation agreement with Roberts Wesleyan College expedites a complete A.A.S. degree transfer into their Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management program. This collaboration bodes well for further study by our graduates. Students have the option to take the program completely online or in a traditional face-to-face format. At the Applied Technologies Center, we offer practical, hands-on training leading to certificates or associate degrees in Automotive Technologies, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, and Precision Tooling and Machining. In 2014, we’ve: Installed 3-D simulation software for all HVAC/R students. Allows a 2-year access to 3-D HVAC/R simulation software that incorporates ethics, troubleshooting or diagnostics, and assessment of key competencies. Developed new competencies and certificate programs: Accelerated Precision Tooling Certificate program - condenses the traditional one-year, 32-credit certificate program into 22 weeks. Aims to meet market demand quickly and get graduates into the workforce. This innovation directly addresses the needs of employers within the advanced manufacturing industry sector in the Greater Rochester Area and Finger Lakes Region, and is poised to increase the number of machinists being produced annually for the region by 37.5%. Solar Thermal Certificate program - a stand-alone certificate program that ties into the HVAC/R program. Enables students to obtain an additional certification and become credentialed in a specialty area related to HVAC/R.
Partnered with Finger Lakes Community College – G.W. Lisk Co. Advanced Manufacturing Training Program. We’ve turned a noncredit training program into a for-credit class that can be applied towards the completion of MCC’s precision machining and tooling certificate and degree programs. More credits yield more opportunities. Students learn through classroom and hands-on instruction how to make precision components for the automotive, aerospace, medical and other industries.
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