Measuring Middle-Skills Gaps within the Finger Lakes Regional Economy

Hospitality and tourism skills are necessary to run travel agencies; organize attractions; operate a food service business; plan large conventions and events; facilitate operations at hotels; theme parks; casinos and resorts; promote tourism; and arrange individual, group, or corporate trips and tours. The Finger Lakes region of New York State provides opportunities for all of those vocations. Travel & Tourism, Golf Management, Hotel Management, and Event Planning make up the Hospitality and Tourism cluster. Hospitality calls on a multitude of different talents, including both business savvy and artistic creativity. It allows one to develop his or her own combination of skills and interests and find a position corresponding to his or her own unique profile. There are over fifty golf courses in the Monroe County area. Across the country, golf has enjoyed increasing popularity, whether it is the primary motivation for a trip or is connected to recreational time or business colleagues. Anticipated growth in travel and tourism will provide many new employment opportunities for people with the right qualifications.


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