Measuring Middle-Skills Gaps within the Finger Lakes Regional Economy
analysis. This provides an estimation of the marginal value of each student completion relative to the Finger Lakes regional economy. In the future, MCC will extend these impact calculations to all of the occupational groups included in this book. Applying this labor supply versus labor demand measurement model to the Advanced Manufacturing cluster has already led to impactful results with MCC being able to estimate the significant shortage in the availability of machinists in the region. The relevant occupational gap analysis dashboard guided MCC in responding to the shortage by launching a new accelerated version of its Precision Tooling Certificate. With this new 22-week intensive program format, MCC is poised to increase the number of machinists being produced annually for the region by 37.5%. Ultimately, this publication is intended to function as a reference document that provides a deeper and more data-driven understanding of local workforce dynamics, particularly as they relate to estimated labor supply and demand analysis. It is our hope that this information will complement current and future discussions about regional workforce policy and demonstrate how vital it is to the region in making additional investments in middle-skilled career-oriented education and training programs. This publication is a working framework and as a result we anticipate the development of updated versions in the future. Together, using a better workforce measurement model to guide and develop investments in education and training, and create more compelling grant narratives, we can move our community’s workforce forward and ensure our businesses thrive into the future.
How to use this report.
Sincerely, Todd M. Oldham, MBA
Vice President, Economic Development and Innovative Workforce Services
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