REMADE Institute: Advancing the Nation in Sustainable Manufacturing

Technical Focus Areas and Research Activities





To achieve its mission and overcome these challenges, the REMADE Institute has organized its activities around five nodes and material classes of metals, polymers, e-waste, and fibers. Four nodes align to the material life cycle stages: Design for Re-X , Manufacturing Materials Optimization , Remanufacturing & End-of-life Reuse , and Recycling & Recovery ; the fifth node, Systems Analysis & Integration , addresses systems-level issues that are broader in scope than any one particular node and have the potential to impact all the nodes. Each node will pursue research activities focused on overcoming challenges in the following areas:

Systems Analysis and Integration Data collection, standardization, metrics, and tools for understanding material flow.

Manufacturing Materials Optimization Technologies to reduce in-process losses, reuse scrap materials, and utilize secondary feedstock in manufacturing.

Recycling & Recovery Rapid gathering, identification, sorting, separation, containment removal,

reprocessing, and disposal.

Remanufacturing & EOL Reuse Efficient and cost effective technologies for cleaning component restoration, condition

Design for Re-X Design tools to improve material utilization and reuse at End-of-Life (EOL).

assessment, and reverse logistics.

REMADE Institute: Impact Report 2018 < 4

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