TechHire Needs Assessment: Information & Computer Technologies Occupational Survey Analysis, June 2016
Survey Instrument – Monroe Community College Rochester Area Skill Needs Assessment - ICT -Final
Intro Earlier this year the White House launched the TechHire initiative and Rochester was one of 20 cities selected to develop new tools and training models which would connect Americans to well-paying technology jobs. As a part of this new initiative, the City of Rochester, Rochester Business Alliance, Digital Rochester, and the Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Council have partnered with Monroe Community College to conduct a survey of local industry. The purpose of this survey is to assess the information technology needs of companies in the Genesee Valley and Finger Lakes region. Your input is extremely valuable to this initiative and will be used to: help shape efforts to develop programs that produce in-demand workers in support of industry needs, and student internship opportunities; better position the region to compete for State and Federal grant opportunities; provide you and your organization with a venue to request immediate support for urgent IT-related training and hiring needs; and assist in creating a more effective and proactive workforce development system for the Greater Rochester area. All respondents will receive a complimentary copy of the results. Please note: we will report on the data collected at a high level and individual company responses will not be shared. This survey is being distributed by multiple organizations. Should you receive the survey again, it is only necessary for you to respond one time. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. Your feedback will help our community better prepare to meet its growing information technology workforce needs.
Q1 What is the total employment by your firm in the Genesee Valley and Finger Lakes region? 1-5 (1)
6-15 (2)a 16-25 (3) 26-50 (4) 51-100 (5) 101-500 (6) >500 (7)
Q2 How many of your employees in the local region provide IT support to your business? Check all that apply. None (1) Outsource completely (2) Outsource partially (3) 1 - 5 (4)
6 - 10 (5) 10 - 20 (6) >20 (7)
Economic & Workforce Development Center, Monroe Community College Page 19
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