Learn 2 Ride Motorcycle Training 2023
General Information and Requirements • Participation in this course requires physical stamina, motor coordination and mental alertness. • Successful completion is not guaranteed. • There are no refunds once the course begins (refer to MCC Cancellation / Refund Policy). • YOU MUST possess a current, valid New York State Driver’s License or valid out of state Driver’s License (No DUI Restrictions, Not Suspended, Not Revoked). No License = No Participation. • A New York State Motorcycle Learner’s Permit should be obtained from the NYS DMV prior to attending. The permit is not required for registration or attendance but is required to apply for the road test waiver of the NYS DMV road test. If you do not have a permit, you may take the course, but must obtain a permit from DMV to apply for the Road Test Waiver. • YOU MUST be 16 years of age or older to participate. If under 18, you must possess a DJ License. If you are 16 or 17 years old, you must bring a parent to the first session. • YOU MUST: Be able to ride a bicycle. • COURSE LOCATION: All Classes are located at Monroe Community College’s Brighton Campus, 1000 East Henrietta Rd. Lot M1 in the back of the building. • Successful completion qualifies for a waiver of the NYS DMV Motorcycle Road Test. • HAVE ALL REQUIRED RIDING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE FOR ALL SESSIONS. • Not having all required equipment = NO Participation + NO Refund. Required Equipment Helmet: DOT approved with face shield or approved safety glasses or goggles. Gloves: Leather (preferably) or cotton – no fingerless gloves. Jeans: Denim or other sturdy material – NO HOLES & NO FLARE-LEG! Jacket: Denim or other sturdy material or long sleeved shirt or sweatshirt Boots: Must cover the ankle and have as flat a heel as possible – NO SNEAKERS. • MOTORCYCLES ARE PROVIDED FOR THIS HANDS ON TRAINING PROGRAM. • ATTENDANCE is mandatory for all sessions! • Arrive on time and be prepared. Be sure you can attend all sessions! • MINIMUM HEIGHT RECOMMENDATION: 5 feet. If in doubt, contact Learn 2 Ride, Inc., at 585-614-7433 prior to registering. • You must bring your valid driver’s license to your course! NO LICENSE = NO COURSE = NO REFUND! • COST: $321.00 due at time of registration. • CLASS SIZE: 12 students (Maximum).
BRC-1 – Beginner RiderCourse Overview The BRC-1- Beginner RiderCourse is designed for those with very little or no experience riding a motorcycle. Training motorcycles are provided for this 2-day combination on-line eCourse, and hands-on motorcycle training program which introduces basic knowledge and physical skills. Successful course completion, a valid eCourse Certificate and passing a Skill Evaluation (either initial or retest), provides a NYS specific MSF Completion Card that qualifies as a Waiver of the NYS DMV Motorcycle Road Test. Click here for more information and to register. Mandatory MSF ePackage (eP1 eCourse) Prerequisite Course • The Motorcycle Safety Foundation Basic RiderCourse Beginner Curriculum requires completing the online ePackage 1 eCourse within 30 days prior to attending your in-person class at MCC. • Upon completion, print the eP1 eCourse Certificate of Completion and bring it to your class at MCC. If you complete the eP1 eCourse more than 30 days before your class, you will need to retake it. • If you have problems completing the eP1 eCourse or printing your certificate, you should still report to your class at MCC on time and prepared to ride. • Failure to report could result in forfeiture of tuition. Accessing the MSF ePackage 1 eCourse You must be registered for a Basic RiderCourse Beginner class at MCC before you can access the eP1 eCourse. Click here for the eP1 eCourse on MSF’s website: www.workforceforward.com/eP1eCourse · Click here for detailed instructions on how to enroll in MSF's eP1 eCourse: workforceforward.com/MSFenroll · If you access the online course without registering for a Basic RiderCourse Beginner at MCC, you will be charged for the online course. The eP1 eCourse is available only through the Motorcycle Safety Foundation’s website. · NOTE: You will receive no additional information from MCC regarding the online eP1 eCourse, so please make note of the url above. If you access the eP1 eCourse any other way, you will be charged for the course and will not be reimbursed. · If you require technical support for the eP1 eCourse, you will need to contact the Motorcycle Safety Foundation directly during their normal business hours (11:30a.m. - 8:00p.m. EST) Monday through Friday. MSF’s eCourse Support Desk can be reached at msfsupport@msf-usa.org or 949-727-3227 ext. 3158.
BRC-2 Intermediate RiderCourse
The BRC 2 - Intermediate RiderCourse is a 1-day Motorcycle Course for permitted, experienced motorcycle riders. z Youwill use your own street legal motorcycle for this combination On-line and Hands-on Rider Training Program. This Course is not available for Junior Operators under 18 years of age. Successful completion qualifies for NYS DMV Motorcycle Road Test Waiver. Website: www.learn2ride.net/brc-2-lw Email: Learn2Ride.RiderTraining@gmail.com Phone: (585) 615-RIDE (7433) 3 Wheel BRC RiderCourse The 3 Wheel BRC RiderCourse is a designed for those with no or very little experience riding a 3 Wheel motorcycle. Training 3 Wheel motorcycles are provided for this Hands-On Riding Program. Successful completion qualifies for NYS DMV Motorcycle Road Test Waiver for the 3 Wheel ONLY Motorcycle License upgrade. Website: www.learn2ride.net/3wbrc Email: Learn2Ride.RiderTraining@gmail.com Phone: (585) 615-RIDE (7433)
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