Measuring Middle-Skills Occupational Gaps: Advanced Manufacturing in Central New York


The Manufacturers Association of Central New York (MACNY) is a not-for-profit association that represents approximately 300 businesses and organizations across Upstate New York. As an association of manufacturers, about two-thirds of MACNY’s members are industrial companies. The remaining members include accounting firms, insurance agencies, law firms, financial institutions and others. They belong to MACNY primarily to network with and serve manufacturers. Three years ago, Monroe Community College (MCC) in partnership with SUNY (State University of New York) was awarded a $14.6 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor to design, implement, and deliver a strategic approach to job training and education for high-need industries such as nanotechnology and advanced manufacturing. The consortium of 30 community colleges known as the SUNY TEAM (Training and Education in Advanced Manufacturing) Project intends to design and deliver comprehensive training and education in the advanced manufacturing industry sector. MACNY is a valued SUNY TEAM partner. To date, these programs have enrolled over 3,000 TAA-eligible workers and veterans throughout New York. These new programs are designed to help students complete a technical certificate program in two years or less with the benefit of stacked and latticed industry recognized credentials. This data mapping project was funded by SUNY TEAM because of the demand for skilled and credentialed workers as evidenced by the local job opportunities, and a noted skills gap in existing training programs and current infrastructure. This project attempts to quantify and estimate the likely middle-skills gap across the advanced manufacturing workforce cluster within the Central New York economy so regional training and education providers might better address the gaps and serve industry.

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