REMADE Institute: Workforce Profile

Highlights Recycling &Recovery

ENGINEERING Of the ten most frequently requested certifications, six involve process improvement and are quality related. Security clearance ranks as the most frequently requested certification suggesting the prevalence of work environments requiring proprietary processes, confidentiality and government contracts. The two most frequently requested specialized skills rank as mechanical engineering and project management. As noted elsewhere in the report, mechanical engineering was found to be one of the top most requested skill sets for the engineering level across all five REMADE areas of focus. The number of total jobs and job post- ings over time both show a general positive increase across all nodes for engineers. The Recycling & Recovery occupational demographic indicate that over a quarter (25.5%) of the most experienced engineers in this 12-occupation grouping are within 10 years or less of retiring from industry. TECHNICIAN As with the engineer grouping for this node, security clearance ranks as the top most requested certification (31% of postings). 66% of job postings for the 19 technicians included in the Recycling and Recovery grouping advertised an education level of less than an associate’s degree, preferring a high school diploma and/or some vocational training. Employment Services ranked the third strongest industry for driving postings for this grouping suggesting a possible preference by employers to hire technicians and lower skilled laborers through a temp to hire strategy in order to address sourcing difficulty in attracting qualified candidates for semi-skilled and entry level skilled positions. 39% of postings advertised a wage of less than $35,000 ($17.00 an hour) which may contribute to the presence of Employment Services as an industry driver as higher first year turnover rate could be requiring assistance for sourcing this category of employee. The multi-craft nature of the technician skill-set is also apparent across the specialized skills and skill clusters analysis with a majority of most frequently advertised skills falling across the maintenance, production, machinery and repair genres. The occupational demographic for technicians for Recycling and Recovery distributes very similarly to the engineer grouping in this node but with a slightly smaller 10-year age out of 22.7% within 10 years or less.

\ Workforce Profile | REMADE Institute

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