REMADE Institute: Workforce Profile
SystemsAnalysis & Integration
Systems analysis and integration tools help analyze the various stages of the material life-cycle to identify opportunities for reducing embodied energy and emissions associated with materials production and processing that are broader than any one node and therefore impact multiple nodes. However, existing tools for materials flow and life-cycle characterization have gaps in key areas due to insufficient data and little integration between disparate technologies and data sources. To close these gaps and enable industry-wide
coordination and assessment, the REMADE Systems Analysis and Integration Node focuses on improving data collection, metrics and measurement, standardization, and tools for understanding material flow throughout the other four REMADE nodes (Design for Re-X, Manufacturing Materials Optimization, Remanufacturing & End-of-life Reuse, and Recycling & Recovery).
Logistics Engineer (13-1081.01)
Validation Engineer (17-2199.02)
Industrial Ecologist (19-2041.03)
65 / Workforce Profile | REMADE Institute
/ Systems Analysis & Integration
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